Category: Meetup Cheras

The Orient Express now departs from OTK….. err, once a year?

To many, the Orient Express is a once-a-lifetime adventure given how prohibitive a ticket is. Likewise the 18OE Orient Express (one of the many 18xx titles we at OTK enjoy) could be a once-a-lifetime experience given how prohibitively long the playtime is (12hrs min?). Anyway we decided to give this game a spin on a mid-week public holiday. Read on to get a good overview of how this game plays out, and where next for the Orient Express? 

OTK Meetup 1/5/2015–Thru the 2 Ages

An evening where we planned to ROLL THROUGH THE AGES ended up with two sessions of THROUGH THE AGES instead. Both (the rare) 1st Edition and (the erroneous) 2nd Edition were in play. Find out the future of THROUGH THE AGES in 2015. This completes a trilogy of gaming sessions that started with Rahdo’s Top Ten Heaviest Games and ended with Vlaada’s Thru the Ages.